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财政部 国家税务总局




(Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation May 131994 [94] Coded Cai Shui Zi No. 020)

Whole Doc.

To the financial departments (bureaus) and tax bureaus of various
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the
central government, to the financial bureaus and tax bureaus of various
cities with independent planning and to various sub-bureaus of Offshore
Oil Tax Administrative Bureau:
In accordance with the spirit of the related stipulations of the
Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the
regulations for its implementation, the Circular On Some Policy Questions
Concerning Individual Income Tax is hereby given as follows:

I. Questions concerning the levying of tax on individual industrial
and commercial units
(1) The expense deducting standard for the proprietors of individual
industrial and commercial units and the wage deducting standard for the
employees shall be determined by the tax bureaus of various provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities. For the expenditure of interest on
the loans borrowed by the individual industrial and commercial units
during the period of production and operation, that part with legal
certificate and not higher than the amount calculated in accordance with
the interest rate for loans of the same category and in the same period
which are extended by financial institutions shall be allowed to be
(2) For the plantation, agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing
industry operated exclusively by individual industrial and commercial
units or individuals, when the items they operate come within the dutiable
scope of agricultural tax (including special agricultural product tax, the
same below) and animal husbandry tax and on which agricultural tax and
animal husbandry tax have already been levied, no more individual income
tax shall be levied; when their operational items do not come under the
dutiable scope of agricultural tax and animal husbandry tax, individual
income tax shall be levied on their earnings. For those who concurrently
operate the above-mentioned four industries and the income from which are
calculated separately, the matter shall be handled in light of the
above-mentioned principle. For those from whom individual income shall be
levied, individual income tax shall be calculated and levied on the
combined income earned from the production and operation of other trades;
when the income from the four industries cannot keep separate accounts,
individual income tax shall be levied on the whole lot of income.
(3) For the profits earned from the joint management of individual
industrial and commercial units and enterprises, individual income tax
shall be levied on the items of incomes such as interest, dividends and
(4) When individual industrial and commercial units and individuals
engaging in production and operation have various items of taxable incomes
earned from unrelated production and management activities, individual
income tax shall be calculated and levied separately according to

II. The incomes listed below are exempt from individual income tax
for the time being:
(1) Housing subsidies, food allowances, moving fees and laundry fees
gained by individual foreigners in the non-cash form or in the form of
being reimbursed for what they spend.
(2) Travelling allowances at home and abroad gained by individual
foreigners in accordance with rational standards.
(3) The visiting relatives expense, language training expense and
children education expense gained by individual foreigners, that part
considered to be reasonable through examination and approval by local tax
(4) Money awards gained by individual's crime-reporting, assisting in
investigating various law-breaking and criminal acts.
(5) The withholding service charge gained according to regulations by
individual who performs the withholding procedures.
(6) The income gained by individual from the transfer of house which
has been used by oneself for over five years and which is one's only
residential house.
(7) In accordance with the spirit of the Provisional Regulations of
the State Council On Some Questions Concerning the Retirement of Senior
Experts, a document Coded Guo Fa (1993) No. 141 and the Circular of the
General Office of the State Council On the Question Concerning the
Examination and Approval of the Temporary Postponement of Retirement of
Outstanding Senior Experts, senior experts (referring to experts and
scholars enjoying special government allowances issued by the state) who
have reached the age of retirement are allowed to appropriately extend
their age of retirement due really to the need of work, their wage and
salary incomes received during the period of retirement are regarded as
retirement wages and are exempt from individual income tax.
(8) The incomes gained by individual foreigners from dividends and
bonuses of enterprise with foreign investment.
(9) The wage and salary incomes gained by foreign experts who conform
with one of the following conditions may be exempt from individual income
1. Foreign experts directly sent by the World Bank to work in China
in accordance with a special loan agreement;
2. Experts directly sent by the United Nations' Organizations to work
in China;
3. Experts coming to work in China for the UN aid projects;
4. Experts sent by an aid-granting country to China to work specially
for the project granted gratis by the country;
5. Cultural and educational experts coming to China to work for two
years on the cultural exchange project under an agreement signed between
two governments, with their wages and salaries being borne by the country;
6. Cultural and educational exerts coming to China to work for two
years on the international exchange projects of China's universities and
colleges, with their wages and salaries being borne by the country
7. Experts coming to work in China through a non-government
scientific research agreement, with their wages and salaries being borne
by the government organization of the country concerned.

III. Questions concerning the deduction of intermediate expenses The
intermediate expenses, paid by an individual in the process of engaging in
technological transfer and providing labor services, may be deducted from
his income if he can provide effective and legal certificates

IV. With regard to whether or not individual income tax should be
levied on the interest, dividends and bonuses gained by an individual from
grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives and rural credit
cooperatives, the matter shall be reported by the tax bureaus in various
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to the governments for
determination and then reported to the Ministry of Finance and the State
Administration of Taxation for the record.

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省长 卢瑞华

第一条 为促进我省经济开发试验区健康持续发展,根据国家有关法律、法规,制定本规定。
第二条 经济开发试验区(以下简称试验区)是经省人民政府批准,在一些市、县(含县级市、区,下同)设立的经济性区域。试验区在市、县人民政府领导下,为当地经济发展和改革开放试验服务。
第三条 设立试验区应具备以下条件:
第四条 省人民政府经济特区主管部门为试验区的主管部门,对全省试验区工作进行协调管理。
第五条 试验区设立管理委员会(以下简称管委会),属市、县人民政府的派出机构,代表市、县人民政府行使市、县一级管理权限,对试验区实行统一领导。
第六条 试验区应根据各自的产业发展方向、区位优势和特点,按照社会主义市场经济体制要求,创造市场经济运行的良好环境,促进整体经济的健康持续发展。
第七条 投资者在试验区内的合法权益,受国家法律、法规和本规定的保护。

第二章 管委会职权
第八条 试验区管委会行使以下职权:
第九条 试验区管委会按照精简、高效的原则,可根据需要经市、县人民政府批准设立必要的职能机构。

第三章 投资与经营
第十条 鼓励国内外的公司、企业和其他经济组织或个人在试验区内按照产业发展方向投资兴办、经营以下实业或业务:
第十一条 在试验区投资,可采取以下经营方式:
第十二条 鼓励国内外企业、科研机构、高等院校和工程技术人员以及其他个人在试验区进行各种方式的技术合作或建立科工贸联合体。

第四章 土地开发与管理
第十三条 试验区内土地开发及各项基础设施和公共设施的兴建采取以下方式:
第十四条 经试验区管委会征用的土地,其使用权应实行有偿出让。国家法律法规另有规定的,从其规定。
第十五条 试验区内土地使用权出让人是管委会,土地使用权受让人、转让人以及转让的受让人,可以是外国、港澳台地区以及国内的公司、企业、其他经济组织或个人。国家法律法规另有规定的,从其规定。
第十六条 土地使用年限由管委会根据项目的实际需要,依据国家有关规定核定。
第十七条 受让人在获得土地使用权的土地上开办各类企业或从事各种项目建设,依据规定程序报批;符合试验区产业政策的建设项目,可享有受让土地的优先权。
第十八条 土地使用权受让人转让其受让的试验区土地使用权,依照有关法律法规规定办理。
第十九条 土地使用权出让或转让的受让人,可以按规定程序,将其受让的土地使用权用于抵押担保。

第五章 附则
第二十条 本规定自1996年12月1日起施行。



福建省厦门市财政局 厦门市农业局 厦门市保监局







第一章 总则

第一条 为做好能繁母猪保险保费补贴工作,规范和加强保费补贴的筹集、拨付、结算和管理,根据《财政部能繁母猪保险保费补贴管理暂行办法》(财金[2007]66号)等有关规定,结合我市实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称能繁母猪保险保费补贴,是指财政部门对有关农业保险经营机构(以下简称经办机构)开展的能繁母猪保险业务,按照保费的一定比例,为投保的养猪户提供的直接补贴。

第三条 我市能繁母猪保险保费由市区财政部门和养猪户共同承担,其中:市级财政承担54%的保费,区级财政承担36%的保费,养猪户承担10%的保费。

第四条 投保养猪户根据应该承担的比例直接缴纳保费。

第五条 市区财政应将承担的能繁母猪保险保费补贴列入同级财政预算,设立专门科目,实行专项管理,分账核算。

第六条 在赔付率低于一定水平情况下,经办机构对保险期满未出险的能繁母猪在续保时给予保费适当减免或优惠。

第二章 补贴范围

第七条 财政部门提供保费补贴的能繁母猪保险业务,其保险责任为重大病害、自然灾害和意外事故所引致的能繁母猪直接死亡。重大病害包括:败血症、蓝舌病、痒病、猪瘟、猪肺炎、猪丹毒、蓝耳病、流行性腹泻、猪链球菌、口蹄疫及其免疫副反应;自然灾害包括:台风、龙卷风、暴雨、雷击、地震、洪水、冰雹;意外事故包括:泥石流、山体滑坡、火灾、爆炸、建筑物倒塌、空中运行物体坠落。

第八条 投保养猪户要具备以下条件:



第九条 保单上应载明市区财政、养猪户等有关各方承担的保费比例和具体金额。

第十条 市级农业部门与经办机构签订全市合作协议,各区农业部门与经办机构签订各区工作方案参与协助理赔等具体与属地能繁母猪保险有关事项;各经办机构同时与各划片区域能繁母猪养猪户签订保险合同,实行一年一保。

第三章 资金预算编制、执行

第十一条 市、区农业部门根据能繁母猪的投保数量、保险费率、保险金额和保费补贴比例,测算保费补贴资金,编制保费补贴年度计划,列入单位部门预算,财政部门审核后安排下年度保费补贴资金预算。

第十二条 保费补贴资金列“2130120稳定农民收入补贴”科目管理。

第十三条 经办机构应定期将保险保单副本送交区级农业部门审核,农业部门按月向财政部门报送用款计划。

第十四条 保费补贴资金实行国库集中支付。区级财政部门根据预算执行进度,及时办理补贴资金财政直接支付手续。



第十五条 区级农业部门应随时掌握保费补贴资金的实际使用情况。年度预算执行中,如因投保数量超过预计数而出现保费补贴资金不足时,区级农业部门应及时向区财政局提出申请;区财政局应做好预算安排,及时将保费补贴资金拨付到位(包括市级财政应承担的保费补贴资金部分)。对市级应承担的保费补贴资金,由区财政局向市财政局提出申请,市财政局核实后拨付。

第十六条 保费补贴资金应专款专用,当年如有结余,抵减下年度预算。

第十七条 区级财政部门应于年度终了后一个月内对上年度的保费补贴资金进行结算,编制保费补贴资金年度决算,于2月10日前报市财政局。

第四章 机构管理

第十八条 承担财政部门提供保费补贴的能繁母猪保险业务的,其经办机构应具备以下条件:





第十九条 我市经办机构采取自营模式开展业务。

第二十条 经办机构应不断加强业务宣传和人才培训,认真向养猪户介绍有关保险知识,明确告知保险责任范围,不断提高业务经营管理水平和服务质量。

第二十一条 经办机构要对投保能繁母猪严格把关,准确核实投保数量和体貌特征。凡投保能繁母猪,需打上统一标识,并以此为投保依据,切实防范道德风险。

第五章 监督检查

第二十二条 区级财政部门应加强保费补贴资金使用情况的监督。市财政局将定期对保费补贴资金进行监督检查,对补贴资金的使用情况和效果进行评价。


第二十三条 保监局、经办机构与各级农业部门应采取有力措施推动能繁母猪保险业务的开展,扩大能繁母猪的投保率。财政部门要将保费补贴政策与其他财政惠农政策有机结合。

第二十四条 对于经办机构提供虚假材料骗取保费补贴资金的,市财政局将责令其改正,追回相应保费补贴资金,并按《财政违法行为处罚处分条例》(国务院令第427号)等有关规定处理。

第二十五条 本办法自印发之日起施行。